*** UPDATED on the 16.01.2013 - just scoll down***
We finally got snow jeeepiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Here are a few Photos from last neight. We just went out for the last time before we go to bed - but the doggies decidet, that there is still enough time for a little play - how could I say NO ??? So after a good play and some extra time to dry the doggies I finally managed to go to bed with quite a bit of a delay, eventhought that I knew that its gone be a VERY EARLY morning for me due to a Vet appointment; awwwww I just loooove my little friends :-D
This are Photos from today - suddenly the sky went all dark and the snow cam just a few minutes later :-) Ofcourse we had to go out, but only for a very short time as otherways my Puppies would have turned into a snowball hihihi
Sooooo this are all Photos for the moment, but I do hope to add more snow-play-fun Photos within the next few days as there seems to be more snow on the way :-)
We all had a great day enjoying a lot of sunshine, fresh air and the beautiful view ower snowcovered land :-)
Its been such a nice day and the doggies enjoyed it too.
Here are Photos of my Spoos - Lilly, Adoro, Kijara and La Vita.
This is the amount of snow which was on the dogs after 1.5h walk :-)
So now it was the Minis turn to go out for a walk. Castiel is still a young Puppy and needs a lot of training, so I still walk him in this group. There are also 2 videos of the Minis at the botom of this page.
My Cat Elias has come along for a walk :-D
Not to forget the Puppies :-) It was a very cold day today, eventhought that it has been very sunny all day long, so the Puppies have been out several times a day to play and enjoy the snow but only for a short time as they do get cold very quick, bless them.