
Soooo its been busy here but now I have time to post the new photos :-)

We have been back to the beach with the Minis and the Puppies. a fantastic walk from Nacton to Levington and back.


How cool is this! I took a photo to show the lovely view and a wasp flew past my camera! I bet that this is one of the "once in a life time"-thing lol


And the video :-D

And here are the today´s news xx

We took the Puppies and Zaphira to the Needham Market Lake for a nice walk and to see how far along we are in the Puppy Training :-D Its been fantastic! Both Puppies had already had a bit of off-lead contact to other people but that was only the odd person on our local walk and dog contacts been on a minimum and only with dogs I knew that they gone be good to the Puppies! So today I thought its about time to see if the Puppies have understood what I was trying to teach them and Zaphira came along to help me :-D Joy has been AMAZING all the time - with dogs, people and birds. Ranjana was fantastic too, but she would go to see other people BUT would happily come back when I call her! We had contact to a family with 2 dogs and then a bit later contact to a single dog ALL GREAT  :-) All 3 have been off-lead and there was clear comunication between all the dogs <3 <3 <3  They did not play or so, but it was more like "Nice to see you, have a good day" and then we carried on walking :-) I am veeeeery proud of my Puppies and Zaphira <3


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