As I do enjoy to take photos of my Puppys I decided to set up a nother page where I can add all the photos and share them with you. So do feel free to come back to check for more photos - there will be a lot more to come as Puppys are still young :-)
We all had a good play in the garden and now they are all asleep :-)
Its been a lont time since I uploaded new photos of the Puppys but here they are.
Its gettimg hot again :-)
It is getting harder and harder to take good photos of the Puppys. They are so full of life and joy anbd always on the move. I did get a few photos over the last few days so here they are.
We have been to the Car Boot Sale and well I found something I though might be intresting for the Puppys :-)
The Puppys were very intrested in the buggy and had a good lok at it. Using the buggy in the garden will teach the puppy not to be scared about it and let the buggy become a normal object in there life. They will also learn not to chew the buggy, bark at it or run in front of it and once they are fully vaccinated and are able to go out for walks they will learn to walk nicely next to the buggy - but thats still weeks away from now.
Ciana had her first trip to the town and done very well. She was not nervouse or sraced but watched everything very carfully. Ciana is still of a small size so easy to carry but she herself thought that it is not neccesary to carry and she tried a few times to jump out of my arm :-) But of course I would not let her so she finally gave in and enjoyed the new few. we also stoped at a caffee were she finally fall asleep on my lap. La vita was with us to comfort Ciana in the car and to get some training too.
Then back at home I decided to get the umbrella out to see what the Puppys think about it - well again no problem at all :-)
I hope you have a bit tkme as here are quite a lot of photos which I have been colecting over the last few days :-) The weather is still fab over here and the Puppys love our pound. Daris was first to go swimming superwised my me and Kijara. As soon as Kijara heard the paddeling soises she went straigt to the pond to watch her son, readdy to go after him. Unluckely I do not have any photos of that as I put the camere down, just in case that Darius needs help. But no is was very fine and was swimming like the adults. Non of the Puppys are wattershy
Charly Bengie
Cassy, Tomi, Charly and Dean
Darius Woodly
2x Cassy and Darius
Woody Ciana
Dara Dara+Daria
Daria Woody, Casper, Daria
And some more photos :-)
Delian + Casyy
Dariu+Bengie Delian had a bath
Toni showing Ciana how to roll around :-)
Puppys enjoying there lunch, mhhhh chicken
today was a big day for the Standard Puppys. They have been in our Dog´s Garden for the first time and as I already though so non of them would follow us so I placed them in a basket and carried them down to the garden. Once there they all, 19 dogs/puppys, enjoyed the play. It will just take a few days and the Standard Puppys will follow us. Here are just a "few" photos
After playing for almost one hour - 2 far asleep behind the dogbed and the other 11 did not even make it into the Puppyroom LOL
The Standard Poodles are 5 weeks today and after tryinmg to get some nice photos of the for there own page but have not been really succesfull I decided to just uplaod some photos as they play. Delian, Dara and Dana are still waiting for there new homes.
Dad has built a fence for me so now I am able to let the Puppys play outside while I am not able to be with them :-) But they still get the freerun in the garden. Its the best time of the day for the Puppys, well maybe the secound best time - being feedingtime No. 1 :-)
And while some where still playing others have already went back to bed.
Woody & Bengie Daria