D.o.B. 23.08.2013, 08.07am
COLOUR: Cream Mismarked, white star on head
1 day - 412g

4 days - 606g

1 week - 893g

Ilaris :-) another Puppy full of character.
I am looking forward to see him grow <3
2 weeks - 1430g

3 weeks - 1870g

4 weeks - 2430g

5 weeks - 3350g

6 weeks - 4220g - 27.5cm

7 weeks 5240g 30.5cm

8.5weeks :-)

Here are a few new photos of Ilaris at 9.5 weeks :-)

Sweet boy Ilaris is still looking for a very special home. He will be 12 weeks in 3 days. He is vet health checked, Micro chiped and Vaccinated. His eye will still requir surgical treatments when he is older! His eye has improved, but its still not perfect!
Ilaris is a very calm amd easy-going Puppy. He loves to cuddled with me and needs a lot of TLC, however, he is not food motivated or toy motivated which does make it a bit complicated to train him. His new family needs to be very patient with him! But he is a very clever and smart boy! We just have to find a way which he enjoyes as much as we do :-)
Puppies Lead Training has started today and Ilaris was the first one to try it
And I am toooootally over the moon with him He done so very well.
He did just site for quite a while (lucky it was sunny and not raining lol)
But then he decided to try it and to come to me for a cuddle hihihi
After another few minutes I invited him to come with me and so we trotted down the road
He stayed close to m...e, walked either by my side or just behind me, he changed direction with me and was investigating everything with me
Its a single-track road and he was very good as 3 cars and a lorry passed by
I made him "sit" by me so he was able to watch the vehicles go by and his eyes followed them down the road.
I waited until he gave me eye contact and then I invited him to come with me - he immediately stood up and was ready to walk
Today was Ilaris his big day
We went into the town for his 3rd lead training and I am tooootally over the moon with him
He done very well, was very happy to follow me, to explore with me and to look at things
Other dogs, children, group of people, prams, cars, buses and lots of other things have not been a problem for him.
He did get a lot of attention which he enjoyed. Ilaris was very happy to meet and great others, bless him.
I have added a "few" ;-) videos from him in the town.
Ilaris had a bath so I thought its time to get a few new photos of him :-) This sweet boy is still waiting for his very own family xx