Our VIP´s
Curlyfriends Mia and Curlyfriends Quality Life of Aslan are the proud parents of our VIP´s
Mia will be 3 years old in November and Aslan is 1.5 years old. This is the first litter for both dogs and I am so very excited about this breeding <3 <3 <3 I am totally over the moon that Aslan´s Family is taking good care of "my Puppy" and that they helped me to make this breeding possible. Thank you xx
This breeding is very special to me in more then just one way: Both Parents are CURLYFRIENDS, both are of a good quality and in the Klein Poodle size. Their caracters are amazing and the mix of colours is a great bones on top of their health <3
Aslan stayed with us for the Honey Moon and he surly knew how to kill my nerves lol Mia done her very best to "date" him but he was just not interested at all - PANIC lol After explaining the situation to his family we all agreed that Aslan would stay with us for a bit longer. This is Mia´s first breedng so I had no plan on how she cycles so I was hoping that she is a "late girl". And yes, Mia just need more time. Aslan knew what to do once Mia Ovulated and he was just like "Relax Mummy! I have everything under contrall" hihihi Such a funny boy <3
Now its a wait and see. I can already say that Mia is pregnant and her little VIP´s are growing nicely and everything else will be a surprise when the Puppies are born :-)
Mia, Black Mismarked, 40cm Clear eye screening, clear Vet Health Check, free of PL prcd-PRA - Carrier "B" DNA teszed clear for: HUU (Hyperuricosuria), MH (Malignant Hyperthermia), NEWS (Neonatal Encephalopathy with Seizures), vWD I &II (von Willebrand disease Type I AND Type II), cord1-PRA / crd4 (Cone-rod Dystrophy), Osteochondrodysplasia, Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI, GM2 (Gangliosidosis), PLL (Primary Lens Luxation
She has a MyDogDNA pass which clears her for about 140 diseases. Her genetic health index through MyDogDNA is 111 | Aslan, Agouti, 39cm Clear eye screening, clear Vet Health Check, free of PL, DNA profield. DNA Tested clear for: prcd-PRA, Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), von Willebrand disease Type I and II (vWD I and II), Aslan has a MyDogDNA pass which clears him for over 140 diseases! His Genetic Health Index through MyDogDNA is 111 |
Please klick on the Puppies name to get to their Puppy Page xx
Curlyfriends Vincent Curlyfriends Viona Curlyfriends Vito
Curlyfriends Viggo/going home with Deirdre Curlyfriends Valeska/going home with Denise
I am very proud to announce the safe arrivel of our VIP´s <3 <3 <3 Mia and her babies are all doing very well and Mia is surly loving her new "job", bless her. The whelping as such was very easy but Mia took all the time she needed which made it very tiring for me but Mia had plenty of time between her babies to get some reast and to regain strength for the next Puppy and so it was the best she could do :-) Her first son was born at 7:04pm and the others followed with at least an 1h10 minutes break and so her last Puppy arrived at 11:38pm. Mia surly decided to go for quality then quantity! Her 5 babies are just stunning and I can´t wait to see how they grow and devellop.
We still have some time to go but I had to share this lovely surprise :-) A parcle has been delivered today. It is from my Sister Kerstin who lives in Germany. She has send Mia and me all the best wishes, good luck and some delicious seewts for me for when the whelping starts :-)
Thank you so very much Kerstin xxx You surly are the best sister in the world. It´s a shame that you can´t be here xx
Mia is doing very well. She really is enjoying her pregnancy and is even more closer to me now. She is no longer happy to meet stranger dogs on our walks, but thats understandable so I make sure that we have plently of space to avoid others and that works well for Mia, bless her.
Mia had a bath and a bit of a tidy-up so she is all ready for her Puppies <3 I always find that the last days are the longest so I will now start to keep my self bussy with my to-do list: spring-clean the house, clean the car, cut the grass, bath all the doggies and set up the puerperium for Mia :-D And then we will go on Puppy Watch. Mia is doing very well and seems to enjoy her pregnancy ... or maybe just the extra food and attention she is getting lol Her Puppies are moving around nicely and I will try to film them once their moving is getting stronger. It´s surly amazing!
Here are a few photos of the whelping :-) Please klick on the phoos to enlarge it xx
The first night is done and Mia and her VIP´s are doing very well :-D All Puppies have gained some weight - between 20g and 50g!
Our little family is doing very well and Mia has settled into a nice routine. She has proved to be an amazig mummy, bless her. The Puppies grow and develop nicely and it looks as if we have one sweet Miniature Poodle and 4 Klein Poodles :-D The Tan-Pattern is getting stronger each day and even Valeska has started to grow some red hair under her tail! She might still turn out to be a solid black Poodle as this red hair could grow out again or they get stronger and so she would turn into a Phantom - only time will tell. I am quite sure that Viona is developing brown Points which makes her genetically a Brown Poodle. I am not too sure about Vincent yet. We also have some white markings on some of the Puppies which could mean, that they have inherited the Parti Gen from their Grandfather Jasper :-D Here are some photos xx
The VIP´s have also had their first "Early Neurological Stimulation".
I will be doing this once a day until the Puppies are 16 days old.
Mia is still a bit unsure about it but I think she did very well and she will surly calm down within the next few days, bless her.
Siraya and Kahlan are both in season so Castiel has to follow me around so I know what he is doing ... or better, what he is not doing lol
I do not lock him up in a cage or into a different room! He will just be my shadow until the seasons are over.
He is a fantastic Stud and would love to take care of the Puppies, but Mia is not quite ready yet so Castiel has to wait - hopefully just a few more days.
Our VIP´s are 1 week old today and our little family is doing very well :-) This is such an easy litter and Mia is doing a wonderful job, bless her. She did start to spend more time with us again and she does love to play in the garden but she is not quite ready yet to go for a walk, but I am sure that will very soon change lol. All Puppies have doubled their birth weight which is not a big surprise as all they do is sleep and drink. I hadly ever hear a sound from them - unless they are dreaming which is rather cute <3
The Puppies had their first nail trim yesterday :-) It´s amazing how fast this tiny nails grow and how sgarp they are!
The VIP´s are 2 weeks old today. They have all started to open their ears and eyes. Vito was the first to look at this new big world, bless him. Mia is spending more time with us now and she enjoyes it to go out again but she also enjoyes the time where I will sit next to her nest and pet her while she nurses her Puppies. I am very proud of my Mummies as they get along so very well :-D
Well, the Puppies are slowly getting active :-) They start to bark, growl, play and walk around - it´s all very cute <3 But their activities only last for a few minutes and then they sleep, bless them. Viona is half way through opening her eyes, I guess she will be there tomorrow. The others have their eyes open and all ears are open too. The Puppies surly start to look like dogs now <3
Our VIP´s are 3 weeks old and mobile :-) They walk around, play with each other and make the funniest noises ever hihihih I have set up the Puppy Toilet yesterday and it looks as if the Puppies are taking to it like a duck takes to water :-)
<3 <3 <3 The Girls <3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3 The boys <3 <3 <3
Just a little update :-) The Puppies are doing very well <3 <3 <3 They are getting more clean by the day, starting to leave the nest and the grooming training is coming along nicely :-D I am surly one proud doggy mummy hihihih
3.5 weeks old and they surly start to keep me bussy :-D But I love it <3 All are doing very well and they start to play with my other doggies. Zaphira is always welcome and she surly loves the Puppies. Castiel is accepted but for some reason he is not allowed to clean the Puppies lol Castiel looooves Puppies and he is strying very hard to show how good he is. I hope the girls will accept him very soon. The Puppies have found the way out of their Puppy Pen and want to come out with every feeding. Sometimes they start to play and the next time they would just snuggle up with Mia and me. Our big boy Viggo has already found his family and I am sure his siblings will find great homes too xx
Another week went by and it was quite a bussy week :-D The Puppies had their first tast of raw meat which they all loooooved. I will now hand feed them a few time a day now. They have also decided that they no longer want to use the Puppy Toilet which is the first time for us lol They do not only want to keep their nest clean but the toilet too lol I really hope that they gone change their minds again! However, tolet them run in my bed room and to go potty there is no potion at all so I have started to get the Puppies used to the garden so they can go potty ourside before coming back indoors for some playing. It´s a good job that we have nice weather! I had no time for a photo shooting with 11 Puppies so I just snapped some photos while we played ;-) The grooming training is also coming along nicels :-D
Here are a few photos from our play-time in the garden :-) The Puppies do start to enjoy the garden, but they do feel the hot weather so we can´t stay out for too long. Please click on the photo to enlarge it xx
5 weeks and there is nothing what will stop the Puppies ... until they are tired lol All they want is having fun, play and investigate. It´s amazing how much energy they have, especially in the early morning when I still feel very tired ;-) The Puppies have now accepted the garden and love to play outside which is unfortunately not possible at the moment due to the rain. They have also started to leave my bed room to see whats behind that big door. Now is the time where they do not only love to be cuddled but where they start to play with me - soooo cute <3 Their little characters are also showing more and more each day. Please go to their individually Puppy Pages for photos xx
The Puppies were 6 weeks old yesterday :-) All are doing very well and Valeska´s family came for a visit. Not only was it very nice to meet her new family (2 adults and 2 childran) but it was also wonderful to see how outgoing, happy and playful the Puppies were. It was a wonderful afternoon.
We still have 3 Puppies waiting for their very special families <3 This Puppies should all grow to roughly 15". I would guess smaller rather then taller as non of the Puppies are big. I really was hoping for some stunning Klein Poodles but I guess Rhapsodies Miniature line is coming through nicely in the litter lol But well, size is not everthing as their characters are fantastic, bless them.
I have also started to get the VIP´s used to the pram so that I will soon be able to take them out and about to show them our big world.
The Puppies are 6.5 weeks old and so it was time to show them more of our house :-) Their first adventure was in our "office" and I will introduce the Puppies to at least 2 further rooms over the next few days. I do this little adventure so that the Puppies learn to explore and to be brave in new situations. All 5 done very well and have enjoyed this little 1-to-1 game. You can see their videos on their induvidually Puppy Pages xx
7 weeks today and they grow, grow and grow :-D The Puppies are developing nicely, they are used to the hoover, they get used to the hair dryer and I am now able to call them when its bed time so I do not have to go and get one after the other which is great for me as going and find 11 Puppies can be complicated lol The Puppies are also used to the pram and have learned to settle in it - I will film it ASAP. Viggos family has come for a visit today. We all enjoyed it and the Puppies/Dogs have been great again and loved the extra cuddles and attention, bless them.
The VIP´s had their first journey yesterday and I am very happy to say that it went very good. All 5 Puppies settled in the car after only a few minutes and they even fall asleep on the way back home. The little walk on the fild was great too and I am pleased to say that they used this 5-minutes walk to go potty, bless them. We will now take them out and about a few more times so that they get used to the car and start to see the big world <3
To get a Pram puppy-safe was a fantastic idea :-)
Mia, Joy, Gypsy and Zaphira came along :-)
Another week has gone and the Puppies are 8 weeks old. The last few days have been a bit quiet for the Puppies as the rain has come and I am ill. However, we have tried to make the most out of it which means, that the Puppies play-times have been mostly in the house which they too loved. I also managed to kill some time by giving pork trotters to the doggies and puppies lol I do have photos but I will post them another day.
Next week will be a busy week as the Vet Visits will start and the Puppies are starting to fly the nest - so hopefuly the weather will be nice and dry again and I will feel good enough for the long days ahead.
I have started cage training with Magic ... good job I know that we will get their in the end hihihih
Vincent, Viona and Vito had their first visit to the car boot sale :-) All three of them travle very well in the car and they are enjoying to watch the world from their safe pram. Alya came along for the nice walk xx
The VIP´s are now 10 weeks old. They are doing very well and are enjoying ther little adventures :-) Vincent, Viona, Vito, Magic and Atria have been to the Car Boot Sale and the town the other day and it was such a good journey. The Puppies sleep, play or just look around from their pram. We meet other people and they see dogs, cars and durcks. They do get a little play-time after a while so they can go potty which they all do and this time I have introduced my little box which rattles when I shake it. Thats the secound step to the re-call and the Puppies worked it out nicely :-) Atria was a star too and eveyone asked if she was the mother to the Puppies so I explained that she is not the mother but one of my young dogs coming along for some extra training and to show the Puppies how its been done :-)